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Official NWMRA Duties

The Northwest Mud Racing Association and all positions within the board of directors and other volunteer positions are filled by hard working dedicated individuals. Our races wouldn’t be possible without these people. We are always looking for more volunteers to get involved with the Association. Here is a complete list of all Director positions and other volunteer positions with detailed descriptions of what they entail. The Board of Director positions are up every year for re-election as they are a 1 Year Term.  If you have any interest in becoming more involved with the NWMRA please read through all the positions and attend the AGM to volunteer. Having more people involved and dedicating time to volunteering helps spread the workload and keeps the club thriving. Board members are expected to attend the AGM and any other board meetings if they are able.


President (1 Year Term with maximum 5 consecutive year terms)

  • The President oversees all aspects of sanctioned events.

  • Ensures the rules and regulations are adhered to at all times.

  • The President delegates and oversees tasks involved in planning, organizing and scheduling races with the help of the VP's, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

  • Oversees the design and creation of posters and other advertising material, with final decisions made with entire Board of directors.

  • Organizes radio campaigns.

  • The volunteer makes arrangements for event supplies and equipment (excavator, outhouses, food trucks, dumpster and fencing).

  • Helps manage all phases of event planning and site preparation.

  • Works directly with the Promotions Committee to acquire a complete list of all trophy sponsors, orders trophies and brings them to each race.

  • Oversees the electronic timing system during the events.

  • All concerns, questions or disputes are to be directed to the President for resolution by directors and officials.


Vice President

  • The Vice President is to assists the President wherever possible.

  • The volunteer will help the President in planning, organizing and making arrangements for race events.

  • Ensures the rules and regulations are adhered to at all times and to help resolve any disputes.

  • The Vice President will also assist the Track Manager with their duties if needed.


2nd Vice President

  • The 2nd Vice President is to assists the President wherever possible.

  • The volunteer will help the President in planning, organizing and making arrangements for race events.

  • Ensures the rules and regulations are adhered to at all times and to help resolve any disputes.

  • The 2nd Vice President will also assist the Track Manager with their duties if needed.



  • The Club Secretary carries out or delegates all the administrative duties that enable the club and its members to function effectively.

  • Keeps records of all members, including name, address, email, phone number, truck name, and members classes.

  • Document and manage membership packages (member shirt and decal) and keep a record of who received theirs.

  • Provides and attends every race event with adequate copies of all needed documents. This includes such documents as blank membership forms, blank registration forms, blank tech sheets, blank waivers and other required paperwork. 

  • Oversees and collects all driver waivers, spectator waivers, minor waivers and junior racer waivers.

  • Works directly with Gate Treasurer and collects waivers from gate at the end of each race day for filing.

  • Helps Head Timer review time sheets at end of each race day and helps determine placings.

  • Reviews and audits time sheets after a race weekend, tallies points and submits to the board for review. 

  • Makes arrangements including venue, date and time for yearend Banquet.

  • Prepares the agenda for the AGM.

  • Makes arrangements including venue, date and time for AGM.

  • Sends adequate notice of the meetings to members and board of Directors.

  • Takes the minutes of meetings and writes them up after the meeting.

  • Provides all needed documents required for yearend booklet and filing.

  • Collate and arrange for the printing of the annual report, blank forms and AGM booklets.

  • Maintain files of legal documents such as constitutions and Bylaws, rules and regulations, Society Act, board of directors and titles.

  • Act as the public officer of your club/group liaising with members of the public, affiliated bodies and government agencies.

  • Keeps all documentation organized and filed away safely.

  • Organizes and manages all Society and non-profit documentation, including registering and filing requirements.



  • Deals with all monetary NWMRA transactions, collects membership dues and registrations fees. Working directly with the Secretary.

  • Works directly with the Gate Treasurer to collect and complete an end of day audit after each race day of all gate income.

  • Oversees all NWMRA banking and budgeting.

  • Collects and deposits all etransfers and other funds paid to the club.

  • To pay all club related bills, invoices and other expenses.

  • Prepares and collects all financial information and document reports.

  • Creates financial statements to complete and provide yearend report for AGM

  • Completes all yearend tax and government filing requirements.

  • Orders members shirts and other apparel.

  • Provide members the opportunity to purchase a membership in person at the AGM, at any of the race sites or online.

  • Manages memberships by providing membership forms and collecting membership dues. 

  • Organizes and manages racer registration forms, reviews and collects completed tech inspection forms and collects race registration fees. 


Tech Director

  • The Tech Director is responsible for tech inspecting all race vehicles with the assistance of other tech officials and completion of all tech records.

  • The Tech Director is responsible for all Tech sheets and correspondence between the President, the members and registration volunteers that involves tech. This includes but is not limited to correspondence with all drivers.

  • If any Tech related concerns, issues, disagreements or complaints arise that cannot be satisfied by referencing the rules and regulations the Tech Director must consult with the Tech Committee including the President.

  • The Tech Director will be responsible for ensuring all vehicles/ drivers meet the Northwest Mud Racing rules and regulations.

  • The Tech Director will be responsible for making sure each vehicle has their Tech Sheet completed prior to registration.

  • Someone in this position should have a broad knowledge of all the classes and the rules that apply to each one.

  • The volunteer will start their duties on Friday afternoon of each race weekend or no later than 9:30am on Saturday to ensure registration starts at 10:00am Saturday.

  • It is the Tech officials responsibility to accurately place vehicles in the correct class.


Gate Treasurer

  • The Gate Treasurer is responsible for monitoring and controlling gate access in and out of events.

  • It is the Gate Treasurer job to collect gate fees, record funds, have everyone sign the waivers correctly and give out wristbands.

  • The Volunteer will be responsible for all paperwork and correspondence between themselves and the Secretary.

  • The Gate Treasurer must complete an end of day audit after each race day with the Treasurer.

  • The volunteer is required to start their duties no later than 10:00am each morning and is required until the racing is finished for the day and the audit is complete.

  • Responsible for finding volunteers to help out with gate and training them.


Media Director

  • Answers all media

  • Setups and organizes announcer equipment


Head Timer

  • The Head Timer is responsible for running the timing system and recording all times.

  • The head timer works directly with track officials and the Track Manager.

  • Once times are logged in system the timer must calculate final times and complete a race summary sheet with the placing for the trophy presentation.

  • Final times will be reviewed and points tallied.


Sub Committees and Official Volunteers


Timing Crew and Track Volunteers

  • Oversees and manages all track setup and logistics

  • All digital timing and manual timing is overseen by the Head Timer and Track Manager.

  • The committee includes: The President, Vice President, Track Manager, Head Starter and all other track officials.


Track Manager

  • The Track Manager responds to any vehicle incidents and oversees the electronic timing system.

  • Oversees and assists with the safety response team of volunteers. 

  • Helps manage the staging officials.


Head Starter

  • Head Starter is involved in setup and maintaining of the mud pits and equipment on the track.

  • Is required to be on the track first thing in the morning preparing the mud pits and overseeing any other final preparation work required.

  • Is in charge of starting the races and confirming all timing officials are ready before lights are set.

  • Oversees the staging officials and enforcement of safety requirements. 

  • Assists with the safety and fire response and other incidents on the track. 

  • Works directly with the equipment operator, Track Manager, Head Timer, Manual timers and staging officials.


Timing Assistant

  • The volunteer will be working directly with the Head Timer.

  • Assisting the Head Timer with all duties during the race.

  • Timing is a huge job and requires a dedicated person willing to be in the timing tower from the start of racing to the end of racing each day.

  • The Head Timer will oversee the assistant and direct them on what needs to be taken care of.


Tech Committee

  • Handles any tech discrepancies.

  • If any Tech related concerns, issues, disagreements or complaints arise that cannot be satisfied by referencing the rules and regulations the Tech Committee will be consulted.

  • The committee includes: The President, Vice President, Tech Director and all tech volunteers.


Tech Assistant

  • The volunteer will be working directly with the Tech Director.

  • Assisting the Tech Director with all duties during the race.

  • Preforming tech inspections.


Track Committee

  • Oversees and manages all track logistics

  • The committee includes: The President, Vice President, Track Manager, Head  Starter, staggers and all other track officials.


Promotions / Prize Giveaways 

  • This volunteer will work directly with the President, Vice President and the Treasurer.

  • Promotions director is responsible for acquiring sponsorships and giveaways.

  • The Northwest Mud Racing Association is looking for prize giveaways, trophy sponsors, class sponsors, poster sponsors and corporate sponsors.

  • The volunteer is responsible for all paperwork and correspondence between them and the Treasurer.

  • The volunteer must keep a current list of all sponsors, collect, pick up and record all donations or giveaways.

  • Prepare a list for the President and other board members of sponsorship amounts and company names for the trophies before each race.  

  • Prepare a list of all items and company names of giveaways for the announcer to use at each event.

  • A list must also be provided to the board of directors and the Facebook Liaison of all trophy, poster and other large sponsorships.

  • Logo’s should be requested by email and also submitted to the Web designer and Facebook Liaison for sponsorships of $150 or more.


Merchandise/ Apparel Manager

 Inventories and organizes all NWMRA apparel items.

  • Sells apparel at race venues.

  • Works directly with the Secretary/ Treasurer to do an end of day audit off all apparel sold.

  • Completes end of race weekend sales list and end of year inventory list for the Secretary/Treasurer.


Facebook Liaison

 Maintains and represents the NWMRA on Facebook.

  • Promotes races and creates events.

  • Shares sponsors logo’s and promotes their businesses.

  • Creates Ad’s for online advertising

  • Monitors and oversees all posts and activity on the NWMRA Group and Facebook Page.


Web Manager

  • Oversees and maintains NWMRA website.

  • Keeps website up-to-date with current events, sponsors, forms and information.

  • Ensures Domain name and page host are kept in good standing. Working with the Treasurer to pay all required bills regarding the website.

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